Publié le January 17, 2019 - Mis à jour le February 7, 2019

MME Sophie ROY


Téléphone +33473405225

Activités / CV

Sophie Faure received her Ph.D. in 1999 at the University of Reims-Champagne-Ardennes under the supervision of Prof. Olivier Piva, working on photocycloadditions and photoisomerisations. She worked in the group of Prof. Dieter Enders in Aachen as a postdoctoralfellow in 2000. Following postdoctoral work in medicinal chemistry at University of Paris V, she joined the CNRS in 2002 as Chargé de Recherche in the group of Prof. David J. Aitken in Clermont-Ferrand to work on synthesis of natural macrocyclic peptides and β-amino acids. In 2007, she turned her interest toward peptoid-type foldamers and platforms in the group of Prof. Claude Taillefumier and passed her habilitation in 2012.