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Du 23 April 2019 au 25 April 2019
AMARE 2019
Published on February 1, 2019 – Updated on February 4, 2019
International conference on Applications of Multi-scale Approaches in Environmental chemistry 23-25 April 2019, Rennes, France
The Institute of Chemical Sciences of Rennes and the Institute of Chemistry of Clermont-Ferrand would like to invite you to participate in international conference AMARE 2019, which will take place in Rennes, France. This event was supported by CNRS PRC project (CNRS No. 270437) and ENSCR. The purpose of this conference is to stimulate the communication between researchers from different countries and exchange opinions in the field of common interests. The conference will provide a forum to share research results, and discuss new experimental and theoretical developments in environmental chemistry. This meeting will focus on combined experimental and modeling studies of thermodynamics and kinetics of environmental reactions, and thus propose a multi-scale methodology to connect molecular level to large-scale in environmental fate models that account for chemical and physical heterogeneities.
Abstract submission deadline : 1st March 2019
The list of topics includes (but is not limited to) :
Abstract submission deadline : 1st March 2019
The list of topics includes (but is not limited to) :
- Environmental Analytical Chemistry
- Nanoparticle Applications & Uses
- Computational Chemistry Applied to Environmental Chemistry
- Reactive Transport & Modeling
- Thermodynamic & Kinetic Simulations
- Environmental Photochemistry
- Membrane Processes for Sustainable and Environmental Chemistry
- Chemical Materials & Engineering
- Catalysts & Environmental Catalysis
- Water Treatment & Soil Remediation
- Advanced Oxidation Processes