Publié le 18 juin 2019 Mis à jour le 25 juin 2019
Clermont-Ferrand and Rennes, France

The scientific topic of this summer school is based on one of the main challenges of the XXIst century, the protection of the environment and more particularly the quality of soils and water resources. In fact, soils or water resources face high anthropic pressure since more than 50 years and it is urgent to work on their preservations for a sustainable development and for the future generations. Environmental protection, which includes restoring and preserving water and soil resources, is now a priority for China. New technologies, clean processes involving chemical reactions are among the ways to be explored to repair the harmful effects on our environment. It is within this very general framework that we propose this summer school for students of Chinese and Brazilian nationality to train them in these environmental issues and new cost-effective processes for soil and water remediation.

This summer school is co-organized in Clermont-Ferrand and Rennes.
