Research group M3I - Multiscale Modeling and Molecular Interfaces

Leader: Florent Goujon

Research Topics

The main expertise of the group is modelling interfacial systems: water-acid gas, water-oil, polymers at interfaces and, recently, functionalized surfaces. The methods developped make use of descriptions at both the molecular and mesoscopic levels, and allow the study of phenomena over the appropriate time and space scales. The group has developped original methods to describe polyelectrolytes at interfaces and to calculate the interfacial tension of binary systems at high pressure. Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) is used to model friction of polymer brushes.


Permanent members

Non permanent members

Name Status Funds Dates
Ana Catarina Mendonca* PhD Marie Curie Oct. 2009 - Feb. 2013
Gaëlle Filippini PhD MESR oct. 2010 - jul. 2013
Jean-Claude Neyt PhD Michelin Oct. 2010 - Nov. 2013
Gaëtan Maurel PhD Michelin Oct. 2011 - Nov. 2014
Thibaud Dreher PhD Région Auvergne, CEA Sept. 2015 - ...
Kévin Kempfer PhD Michelin April 2016 - ...
Ludovic Garnier PhD MESR Oct. 2016 - ...
Yurig Fomin* Post-doct Marie Curie June 2011 - Feb. 2012
José Solano Post-doct Région Auvergne Nov. 2013 - Nov. 2014
Makha Ndao Post-doct Région Auvergne Nov. 2014 - Nov. 2015
José Solano Researcher Région Nov. 2014 - Nov. 2015

*50% IL group (team TIM)