The expertise field of POPPI group includes the whole processes of polymer photochemical and thermal ageing as well as the study of their durability, from reaction mechanisms to the consequences on long-term properties. Our scientific way rests on a multiscale approach, based on varied skills and facilities. The group consists of 4 assistsant professors/professors, 2 CNRS researchers, 1 emeritus professor and 1 temporary research and teaching assistant, as well as several PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and engineers.
We are always happy to welcome students from technical trainings, BSc, MSc, engineer schools... for internship. If you are interested, contact us and consult our job offers!
Our scientific activity turns on the physico-chemical study of the photochemical and thermal behaviour and durability of polymers. The multiscale approach we develop aims to correlate changes at the molecular scale to consequences on the properties. In addition to the study of reaction mechanisms which is our core business and one of our specificities, our current trends show a growing interest into the characterization of bareer, surface... properties as well as interfaces in the case of polymer mixtures, composites and nanocomposites.
The expertise of the POPPI group is based on our skills in understanding light- and heat-induced reactions which are responsible for the ageing of polymers under attacks from their use environment. The POPPI group has strong skills in polymer photochemistry and:
polymer irradiation techniques (accelerated artificial photoageing units conceived within the lab),
spectroscopic methods (vibrational and optical), potentially coupled with specific chemical or physical treatments, and even under specific conditions (irradition in the presence of 18O, reactions with 1O2)
analysis of low-mass photoproducts trapped or not within the polymer matrix (SPME-MS, FTIR),
analysis of surface properties (morphology, physical and mechanical properties) (AFM),
analysis of solid state viscoelastic properties (DMA),
thermal analysis (DSC, thermoporosimetry and modulated DSC),
analysis of bareer properties (O2 permeation, DVS),
coupled methods (photo-DSC, AFM-LED),
prediction of the long-term behaviour of polymers under climatic ageing conditions.
In order to deal with issues related to the thermal and photochemical ageing of polymers, we use a large number of facilities.
More information about our members are available here.
Programs and projects
The list of our research programs and projects is available here.
We have been developing a large network of national and international collaborations with academics and companies over the years:
The complete list of our publications can be found here.